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Thursday, November 10, 2005

FSM Update - Unsurprisingly the twats on the Kansas Board of Education, having severed all connection with the real world, have decided to indoctrinate their children with similar delusions and teach Intelligent Design in their schools.

So, before the thought police come for us, let's celebrate the return of the Dark Ages with (probably) the last of the FSM link digests (keep banging the rocks together Kansas!)

For those of you just joining us - the definitive story so far: Flying Spaghetti Monsterism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's a little more background - Boing Boing: Pastafarianism: Flying Spaghetti Monster cult grows Boing Boing is also one of the donors behind the $250,000 USD challenge, payable to any individual who can produce evidence proving that Jesus is not the son of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

In the beginning there was the Flying Spaghetti Monster: "Meanwhile, true believers can now order souvenirs from the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster website, including T-shirts from $13.99 (£7.50), a coffee mug and a car bumper sticker. Mr Henderson says the proceeds may be used to fund the campaign or, in the best tradition of dubious cult leaders, to buy a yacht that he has long fancied. If the sales really take off, it may also help him avoid having to take up his only job offer so far since leaving Oregon State University - programming slot machines in Las Vegas.

Other recent developments include the discovery of a toasted cheese sandwich miraculously bearing the image of His Noodliness that sold for $41 (£22) in an eBay auction and a hymn whose tune at least will be familiar to members of the Women's Institute or England cricket fans. The chorus runs:

'Bring me my bowl of pasta gold!

Bring me my meatballs of desire!

Bring me my sauce with herbs untold!

Bring me my bolognese of fire!'"

For the creative amongst us: Learn to Make A Flying Spaghetti Monster Brooch Here

Origin of Noodleous doubleous- the miracle of the pasta

The Pesto Manifesto

FSM on Metro on Flickr - I don't condone graffitti but in this case....


posted at 2:54 PM

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