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Monday, January 08, 2007

I'm an unsubscriber - let me out of here!!!!

As a new year's resolution (and also because I'm drowning in spam) I decided to finally cull my subscriptions to any e-newsletters that turned out to be an utter waste of bandwidth in the last year.

Top of the list was one for a commercial radio station in London that lost its only decent presenter over a year ago. Unfortunately its unsubscribe process turned out to be the equivalent of hanging on to my leg screaming "DON'T LEAVE ME!!!!! DON'T GO!!!!!"

Having given them my e-mail address I figured that was it. But no, they wanted more. Eager to for humilation, they wanted to know WHY I was dumping them and they didn't stop there:

My mobile number? Why? So they can ring me up and plead with me?

These guys were acting like a crazed ex-girlfriend. Or perhaps they wanted my full name and contact details just to make sure the hitman got the right person.

It was even better when I hit submit. This was all I got:

Guys, take the hint - if someone wants out, it's really not because they love you and want to help. It's because they think you're crap. Stop with the denial already and just let them go.


posted at 9:14 PM

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