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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I recently "upgraded" my cell phone. By upgraded I mean one of my mates got a new phone and passed her old one on to me while muttering something about my existing phone and Noah.

The 'new ' phone has a much larger memory, takes photos and allows me to Bluetooth it all to my PC (so naturally I'm in geek heaven). I didn't know much about the inner workings of mobile phones before but it only took me about a week to realise that the predictive texting on the phone was still attuned to the vocabulary and preferences of its previous owner. After accidentally texting a cricket score stating that one of the Ashes team had just gone "out for a [ahem] Fuck" I decided to ask her just what kind of language was in the customised dictionary on the phone.

She glowered at me.

"You'd better take care" she warned " 'cos there are a few other phrases which are likely to pop up by accident. Just double-check any messages containing the word Pod...Rod...Rubes..."

She pondered for a moment then continued

"...calls...Yank...Yanking...or Viv"

Another pause

"And be real careful with AUNT"


posted at 10:53 AM

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