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Thursday, May 19, 2005

Today is the day. 28 years after the first film, George Lucas is putting us out of our misery with the release of Revenge of the Sith (thuch a thilly title)

If you're one of those people who thinks Yoda is a kind of cheese and JarJar Binks must be some type of kitchen utensil, here's a survival guide:

Grocery Store Wars | Join the Organic Rebellion - from the same people who bought you the Meatrix

Nathan Sawaya | The Art of the Brickā„¢ | Han Solo in Carbonite - Lego and Star Wars have always had a close relationship. I figured nothing could get weirder than this until....

...Kinder Eggs got in on the act: Star Wars:Attack of the Hippos???

STAR WARS ASCIIMATION - this has been in production since 1997. To date, they've got as far as rescuing Princess Leia.

Meanwhile last Friday's USA Today's Hot Sites did a Star Wars special which naturally includes some of the more unusual fan sites.

For some reason they overlooked the Star Wars Last Supper

StarWarsShop.com - Slave Leia Pet Costume - yeah, you read it right.

If all this has changed your mind and inspired you to bunk off work to see what all the fuss is about Geek Squad are here to help you.

And lastly, find out who is your Star Wars twin

OK, you might be right about the kitchen utensil.

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posted at 9:26 AM

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