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Friday, April 29, 2005


IProduct from Gizmodo - you have to look twice before you realise it's a spoof.

And, after that, this just seems like a logical progression: MacComedy - iBrator commercial

And while we're on the subject... HowToFakeIt.org

We seem to be getting a bit off-topic here but:
Boing Boing: Consumer Reports on rubbers - naturally my first thought on reading this was "Oh good! New stationery products!"

Hold that thought: Strap-On Veterans for Truth - An organization dedicating to exposing the truth about the former drag queen now known as Ann Coulter

Oh how I wish....

OK, Welcome to Topic-Drift Central:
Dr. Sneaky - Products - how did I find this????
Thora Hirds Are Go!


posted at 9:58 AM

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