Despite still-painful memories of hot summer days cooped up in a stuffy classroom being forced to translate Chuacer into modern prose, I still find it very pleasing to discover that
Geoffrey Chaucer Hath A Blog"Thogh I vndirstonde not forwhy they callen this a 'parody' blog."
posted at 12:51 PM
Everyone has bad IT days, the kind of days that make you long for revenge on the hardware concerned (defenestration, reprogramming it with an axe, that kind of thing). Well those nice people at Blogger are
living the dreamI can't wait to see the video.
Labels: geek
posted at 12:48 PM
You're 0% Irish
You're not Irish. Not even a wee bit.
Not even on St. Patrick's Day!
posted at 7:45 PM