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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

To mark the start of a new year, TV viewers in the UK are being treated to another series of Celebrity Big Brother. This year I gather it is the mother of all freak shows, featuring the kind of people most of us would cross the road to avoid and Rula Lenska (of whom the opposite is true)

Personally, I cannot be arsed to watch it - my life is finite and I'm picky about what I do with the time. However, whilst I would welcome the incarceration of most of the participants (permanently and without cameras), one of them is supposed to be doing something else this week.

As MP Bethnal Green and Bow, George Galloway earns £61,708 pa from the taxpayer. This week however, the only people he's representing are the producers of Big Brother who will also be trousering a fair bit of additional cash in the form of advertising fees.

Understandably, his consituents are feeling a bit shortchanged and have set up a website to remind him that he's bunking off at their expense: Get back to work, George

Anyone in Bethnal Green having second thoughts about dumping Oona King last May?

(all this gives me yet another opportunity to highlight the ever-popular video of Galloway getting verbally kicked in the 'nads by Jeremy Paxman on election night)

posted at 11:36 PM

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