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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

This story is dated Dec 24 but I was offline over the holidays. Forbes must have left the B-team in charge that day.

The Lion, The Witch and The World Trade talks - World - theage.com.au: "It quoted Narnia spokeswoman Susan Aslan (Aslan is the name of the Christ-like lion featured in the film, and book, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe). Narnia's delegates 'were tired of bullying by EU and US delegations and would be returning immediately to their state capital at Cair Parvel,' Ms Aslan was reported as saying. 'If this brings the Hong Kong talks to the knees we will be delighted,' it went on. The story was picked up by top business websites, including Forbes.com."

posted at 2:03 PM

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