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Friday, December 23, 2005

I have a lot of these to get through and Christmas Eve is less than 24 hours away.

Get clicking

Until the Agry Alien bunnies did their own version I'd never heard of Christmas Story then suddenly everyone started doing their own mash ups of it, like A Christmas Gory

Of course if you prefer something a little more sweet there's always It's a Wonderful Internet

Letters to Walken- just in case Santa doesn't deliver

I Love NY Snow Globe - gritty realism permeates the world of snow globes and in case this isn't enough, there are more snow globes at Walter Martin & Paloma Muñoz

Two US groups will tracking Santa on the day. America is clearly sh*t-scared of St Nick although I doubt he intends to go anywhere near the no-fly zone over the Whitehouse this year:
NORAD Tracks Santa 2005
Santa Track

Other Americans have clearly got into the true spirit of Christmas -Santa Crime Scene Display Grabs Attention Deliciously sick; they even took out a few reindeer. So naturally I love it. - houses decorated with Christmas lights - Most of my neighbourhood should be in here. No sooner had the last firework fizzled out in November than our retinas were further assualted by the multitude of neon Santas flashing their way the sides of houses. However this guy has out-blinged the planet.

Mutant Snowflakes where are the mutant snowflakes THIS season?

Games (which are naturally mandatory at this time of year):
Santa Balls - a bejewelled knock-off with balls
Chaos kitties in snow suits...catching things
Helicopter game - one of those games that's fun ot play if you get the hang of it, otherwise a great way to test your boredrom threashold

Happy Holidays! - Christmas cards with attitude

If David Lynch made The Twelve Days Of Christmas

Mistletoe and Meat - A brutally honest advent calendar

A Cats Christmas - A cat's guide to Christmas tree decoration

SCARED OF SANTA GALLERY: Tis the season to be scared witless - a collection of hapless infants caught in the act of crapping themselves when first confronted by a Santa.

Santastic offers some suitably season tunes (my personal favourite is The Christmas Massacre of Charlie Brown even if the most appealing thing about it is the title)

MacSanta what does Santa do when he's off duty?

Tom Smith Online - Free Stuff - former home of the Twelve Days of Star Wars, which IMHO is thethe ulitmate filk.

And finally:

Dear Santa

For Christmas please can I have a copy of The Ultimate Star Trek Collection on DVD.
Yes, I know it's $2,499 on Amazon but I really have been a good girl this year


Have a good one see y'all in 2006


posted at 4:49 PM

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Tuesday, December 20, 2005


COVENT GARDEN LONDON! , 22/12/2005, 18:47

posted at 10:39 PM

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Saturday, December 17, 2005

This just in from the trenches: Operation Kringle Kill - the journals of a soldier in the 101st Polar division, actively in engaged in the War on Christmas.


posted at 5:18 PM

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Friday, December 16, 2005

Playboy. In Braille. - Run your fingers over the pages, never really knowing if you're touching a gorgeous blonde or an essay by Tom Clancy. Was that Cindy Crawford's bum, or an interview with Gore Vidal? Frankly, it's whatever you want it to be.

That's the glory of Playboy in Braille. November 1995.Volume XLII, No. 11.

Apparently the American Govt. prints this stuff.

I think I just slipped into a parallel universe.

posted at 3:53 PM

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If you were offended by the Tussaud's nativity last year, look away now.

Tussaud's turn Bush and Blair into pantomime cow - naturally I find this very pleasing. After presenting this pair as two of the wise men in last year's nativity**, Tussauds decided we were ready to swallow the red pill this year.

(** The third wise man was Prince Philp which tells you pretty much all you need to know)

posted at 2:05 PM

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Thursday, December 15, 2005

How to fix Mom and Dad's computer - a geek's guide to surviving the holidays and the inevitable requests to 'have a look at my computer'.

This is written for Americans but for Thanksgiving just read Christmas and you'll get a good idea of what I'm preparing for this holiday season.

Now where did I put that backup CD...?

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posted at 6:33 PM

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The Penguin Podcast - Penguin books (gawd bless 'em one 'n all) are offering a daily helping of "A Christmas Carol" as read by Geoffrey Palmer. The recording has been split into 5 parts and a new part will be online every day (except this coming Sunday).

I think my cup just ranneth over.


posted at 4:43 PM

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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Fuck Christmas - it may be just a tad heavy on the profanity but I love this rant


“But we want to display our Christmas tree on city property!” You can, go right ahead. “They’re stopping us from praying in school!” They’re not, so fuck off. “We’re not allowed to say ‘Merry Christmas’ anymore!” Are you fucking kidding me? Knock yourself out. Say it at work, scream it in your high school lunch room, hell, tattoo it on your fucking forehead for all we care. Guess who’s gonna be there defending your right to do every one of those things? The fucking ACLU. One of these days you bastards are going to drive those fuckers out of business, and then you’ll see some actual attacks on your religious liberties....

...We’re not going to hell, assholes, we’re fucking in hell. We live with you.


posted at 1:47 AM

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Monday, December 12, 2005

When Memes collide

Zombie-Claus 2005 - what happens when Zombie flash mobbing meets Santa flash mobbing.

"As Santas become the undead their perspectives about Christmas have changed. They are now protesting the over commercialization of the Christmas holiday and it’s encroachment into the traditional Zombie holiday of Halloween"

Meanwhile Santacon UK will be on Dec 17th, the day after the Ann Arbour event

Assuming Santa survives, that is.



posted at 10:07 PM

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Sunday, December 11, 2005

Cardiff Terrifies Me "being a catalogue of terror from Cardiff's quality press" - namely the South Wales Echo.

(Personally I prefer that cynosure of journalistic integrity the Llanelli Star but that may be because it features my cousin more often.)

posted at 7:35 PM

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Friday, December 09, 2005

Free coins inna fountain

AETN International - Peace Pond - Raise some money for Doctors Without Borders this month - make a wish, throw a free virtual coin into the pond and the sponsors will match the total cash thrown by the end of the year in a donation to Medcin Sans Frontiers

posted at 12:32 PM

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Thursday, December 08, 2005

Strawberry Fields forever?

Today marks the 25th anniversary of John Lennon's murder. I'm not going to name the little turd responsible because he doesn't deserve any recognition.

He killed Lennon so that their names would be permanently linked. In an age when celebrity must be attained at any cost, he stood on another person's shoulders to put his own worthless name in the history books.

I should point out that I'm not a huge Lennon fan. I like his music and I think he had a vision of the world which would be nice to make real. But that's about it. What irks me today is the way we seem willing to blur the lines between infamy, celebrity and ability. These days we don't care *why* someone is well-known; we'll beat a path to their door for the slenderest of reasons.

And that just encourages them.

Personally I think the best kind of punishment for anyone willing to kill simply for fame is to forget them. Ideally I'd love to erase them utterly from any recorded history thus depriving them not only of the fame they crave but also any trace of ever having existed. Yes, I know it sounds a bit Stalinesque and would be impossible to accomplish but it certainly seems like a fitting punishment.

Meanwhile tonight some idiots over at Channel 4 will be airing an interview with the aforementioned turd. Quite rightly Lennon's family have objected on the ground that it glorifies a killer. Channel 4's only defence is that no money changed hands for the interview.

Wake up people - he doesn't care about being paid money. You're paying him attention which is exactly what he wants.

He wins and we helped him win.

posted at 12:33 PM

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Monday, December 05, 2005

The Power of Community Blogging

"This isn't just an airdart launcher. This is a USB-controlled, mouse-aimed, desktop M&S airdart launcher"

And despite costing £20 it went on my Xmas wishlist so fast it hurt (C'mon Santa I've been good, honest!)

On Friday it got Boing boinged

By this morning it was sold out

Thanks a bunch Cory! *sob*


posted at 9:59 AM

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Thursday, December 01, 2005

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