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Saturday, April 30, 2005

Probably owing to the recent release of H2G2 I feel some Sci-fi moments coming on....

Compuhire - search-wise.net - anyone who saw the first episode of the new Dr Who will recognise this as the search engine Rose uses to find out about the Dr after their initial encounter. Basically the BBC didn't want to have to pay to use one of the more famous search engine logos so they opted to use this dummy site set up by a movie facilities company specifically for that purpose.

One for the star wars fans on Flickr - Hmm, R2-Detour....

And if a still isn't enough - try the fan films awards on Atom (especially "The Apprentice").

Over on the Dark Side, Darth Vader has a blog. Some of it is quite interesting as it speculates about Vader's inner workings (the non-mechanical kind). Other parts however are just downright irreverent: "Big day. Storming the rebel ice fortress. Took a nap first so I would be peppy." For obvious reasons, I'm kinda fond of Darth.

The original Obi-Wan was a pretty cool dude too.

Meanwhile yet another galaxy far, far away there some nitpickers have been chronicling all the mistakes in the original Dune

Just to keep the links current, everyone's probably heard about the fanboy prats queuing for Star Wars at the wrong cinema (and just because it's for charity does not make them look any less like a dumb clique of geeks). However, not everyone decided to drop by during visiting hours and then blog the whole experience

Still, it'll take a lot more than a bunch of geeks who can't even read a map to beat the Kinder Egg homage to Star Wars.

This list of Characters who won't be in the next SW movie comes close though.

Still, you have to ask - Did the Jedi Have It Coming?

There's also been plenty of news recently about Dr Who. However, not much has been written about the BBC suddenly suffering an attack of schizophrenia...

posted at 11:53 AM

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