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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

My book group will be doing The Da Vinci Code later this week. It promises to be an interesting meeting. Personally the book fascinates me because I find it hard to believe that such an intriguing plot could be devised by the same guy who wrote a piece of crap like Digital Fortress

Meanwhile, a lone voice from the Catholic Church has finally spoken out against Dan Brown's best seller. BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Arts | Church fights Da Vinci Code novel: "The archbishop told Il Giornale: 'The book is everywhere. There is a very real risk that many people who read it will believe that the fables it contains are true.'"

If that's what's bothering him, I think I know why the Vatican has otherwise kept its mouth shut (for a change). Do you think someone ought to have a quiet word with this guy about The Bible ?

posted at 9:30 PM

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