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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Daily Kos :: Political Analysis and other daily rants on the state of the nation. Extract: "When I was 9, I caught my grandfather shaving in the bathroom and that is when I saw it: His Camp Number - 58877241....

...I do not want there to be cattle cars filled with people that these hate mongers scream out against. I do not want to see gays, liberals, Mexicans, hippies, Hollywood Actors, or anyone else have to be tattooed with a number. No more 58877241s....

...This summer, my family and I will be traveling to Auschwitz, so my children understand what there grandfather went through. I want my daughter to know why I see him in her eyes. And then everytime I look in her eyes I will see hope and love and not 58877241.

So to the Phelps and Coulters of the world, you are on notice, we will fight your hate because we will not have this happen again."

posted at 12:16 PM

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