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Friday, January 21, 2005

Reading the news today, it's a wonder Dubya had time for the inauguration at all. I would have thought he would be too busy trying to learn all the new names of his Cabinet.

Hmm, maybe it's Time For Another Bush Purge!!:

Everyone knows that Dubya regularly flip flops about the current proposals to ammend the constitution but at least last time he had the grace to do in via two separate interviews. Here he manages to contradict himself in the space of two paragraphs. It rather reinforces the whole 'attention-span-of-a-gnat' image:

" 'I fully understand that the job of the president is and must always be protecting the great right of people to worship or not worship as they see fit,' Mr. Bush said. 'That's what distinguishes us from the Taliban. The greatest freedom we have or one of the greatest freedoms is the right to worship the way you see fit.
'On the other hand, I don't see how you can be president at least from my perspective, how you can be president, without a relationship with the Lord,' he said. "

(Source: President outlines role of his faith - The Washington Times: Nation/Politics - January 12, 2005)

:: ak13 :: Ten reasons to love George W. Bush - well, I gather he's kind to animals....? (pardons a turkey every year apparently)

George W. Bush: The Officious Website: www.GeorgeWBush.org - like whitehouse.org, this is another site which exploits the present junta's oversight in not buying the '.org' version of their domain names. A good source for Blue State oneliners (also available on stickers, mugs etc)

And finally:

Boing Boing: The madness of King George - no need to ask if he is full of purple piss as well.


posted at 10:22 AM

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