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Thursday, January 27, 2005

The Great Bra Debate

This started as a question raised down the pub last Friday night. Curiously, the advocates of the two main techniques got quite passionate about their chosen approach with comments such "You're kidding" or even "That's RETARDED!" being thrown at non-believers.

So I thought, I'd open it up a bit and see what everyone else thinks.

(the poll's a freebie - you might have to scroll down)

How do you put on your bra?
Back-to-front to do up the hooks, then whizz it round
Right way round, I don't need to see the hook
Bra? What Bra?
I prefer UNdoing 'em...
(Rory, Clive, Mike, John - click here)
There is no number 6
Go Mets!

Free polls from Pollhost.com

posted at 8:50 AM

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