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Sunday, July 25, 2004

A Fowl Canard - I am having a very odd weekend.

I was attending an outside broadcast of my favourite radio program last Wednesday. Without going into too much explanation, it occurred to me that their mascot (a decoy duck), was in dire need of a fan-run web site.

OK, maybe not dire but I was bored and, like Everest, it was there.

So I built the darn thing - mostly to see if I could and how long it would take. Having put it online, I sent a quick e-mail to the show's presenter to tell her about it, went to bed and din't give it much more thought.

I think she rather liked the site - in fact she spent about 10 minutes talking about as soon as the show started the next day. The vistitor counter rocketed and...

Well, you can see for yourself.

posted at 2:26 PM

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By Blogger Simon, at 1:22 PM  

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