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Friday, May 14, 2004

Mike Stanfill, Private Hand - The Infinite Cat Project - the end of the CAT scan project (use your imaginations) left a void in the market for weird cat-interacting-with-machines sites. This has now been filled by The Infinite Cat project.

Step 1. Put picture of cat on screen
Step 2. Get own cat to look at picture
Step 3. Take a photo
Step 4. Put it on the screen
Step 5. go to step 2 and continue

I've noticed that you rarely see sites like this using dogs as their subjects. I suspect this is because A) Dogs are not smart and it's too easy to mock them. B) Cats are generally snotty and therefore it's far more fun to make them look daft whenever possible.

And in this particualr case, there's too great a danger that a dog would try to lick the screen...

posted at 11:38 PM

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