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Thursday, March 27, 2003

Caveman Tech Support

The tech support problem dates back to long before the industrial revolution, when primitive tribesmen beat out a rhythm on drums to communicate:

This fire-help. Me Groog.

Me Lorto. Help. Fire not work.

You have flint and stone?


You hit them together?


What happen?

Fire not work.

(sigh) Make spark?

No spark, no fire, me confused. Fire work yesterday.

*sigh* You change rock?

I change nothing.

You sure?

Me make one change. Stone hot so me soak in stream so stone not burn Lorto hand. Small change, shouldn't keep Lorto from make fire.

(Grabs club and goes to Lorto's cave) *WHAM*WHAM*WHAM*

posted at 3:42 PM

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