Latest stumbles
Thursday, July 31, 2003
Thought for the Day: "You know that your landing gear is up and locked when it takes full power to taxi to the terminal. "
posted at 6:22 PM
ALL LOOK SAME This poses the question of whether it is possible to tell the difference between various Asian ethnic groups. The site claims that it's not designed to cause offense - which is good. However, when I only identified 7/18 faces correctly, it told me that this was a "Bad Score" which rather implies I should be able to tell.
Personally I don't think it's important to be able to do this. Historically I can't think of a single situation where ethnic characteristics have been of benefit to a race (eg. think how Nazis tried to identify Jews by nasal size).
posted at 12:45 PM
Sunday, July 27, 2003 - apparently the largest list online. Current Number One: "Microsoft Works"
posted at 9:00 PM
Friday, July 25, 2003
Chatlist - every Emoticon you could ever need. A sample:
:-\ 8o After a cold shower
Knock youselves out!
posted at 7:35 PM
Thursday, July 24, 2003
The Fascinating Aida Web Site - I can't believe they're doing a farewell tour . But I find it even harder to accept that they've been doing this for 20 years and I've been a fan for most if not all of that time.
posted at 7:12 PM
but of course, this means that....
(Update - this is the hazard of posting links to external images. The site is still up as far as I know but may be having bandwidth problems owing to its popularity. The concept's still attractively weird though).
posted at 12:24 PM
Wednesday, July 23, 2003
Seen in an e-mail: Apparently (in the paper this morning), visitors to the US from visa-waiver countries such as the UK after 1st October this year will need (under the USA Patriot Act) to ensure that they have the right machine-readable passport . Failure to do so will mean hand-cuffing, strip searching and being marched out of the Land of the Free - or being vacationed at Guantanamo Bay.
So best check first.
posted at 9:03 AM
Wednesday, July 16, 2003
The New TNN - Ren & Stimpy Game - OK, I'm a Brit - we like toilet humour. And Farts of Mass Destruction are always sure-fire winners.
posted at 9:21 PM
orgasmatic washing machine from phones 4u - if you've seen the advert this is quite funny....actually it's pretty amusing even if you HAVEN'T seen the ad!
posted at 9:17 PM
Friend of the Fur Cassy just produced this detailed plot summary for the next Terminator movie
"Flee. Shoot. Flee. Crash. Flee. Shoot. Flee. Crash..."
Hope there are no spoilers in there...
posted at 8:15 PM
Tuesday, July 15, 2003
Ordnance Survey Maps - Britain's National Mapping Agency. - features a very handy 'get a map' service which will show you the OS map for any area in mainland UK at up to 1:25,000 scale.
posted at 1:04 PM
Welcome to HaidaBucks Cafe A small Canadian coffee shop is being sued by Starbucks, apparently for having the affrontery to sell coffee and include the word 'bucks' in their name. In the anti-Globalisation Hall of Shame, Starbucks is right up there with Microsoft, MacDonalds and Nike. So it's nice to see that they've met their match in a few small businessmen with a engagingly level headed attitude.
posted at 12:33 PM
Sunday, July 13, 2003
War Profiteers Card Deck - a much-needed antidote to all that self-satisfied jingoistic spam selling the 'patriot' card deck.
posted at 6:09 PM
Barbies - the kind of Barbies-from-H*ll you wish they would make
posted at 6:06 PM
The Credit Card Prank - or "How crazy would I have to make my signature before someone would actually notice?"
posted at 6:03 PM
† WHERE IS JESUS? † - A sort of "Where is Waldo?" for heretics
posted at 5:58 PM
The Adventures of Goose: The Online Place for Goose! "Every now and again, we get the urge to "borrow" a friend's 80 pound cement goose (yes, we weighed it) and take photos of it around the local area (Fort Wayne, IN). We do this so she doesn't even know that Goose went on an adventure! So just enjoy!"
posted at 5:51 PM
The Illustrated Catalog of ACME Products - Someone with way too much time on their hands has gone through all the Warner cartoons and cataglogued every Acme product featured in them. Actually, I think it's a rather handy reference.
posted at 5:48 PM
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